Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Research on double page spreads
Most double page spreads include an interview
The main coverline is: Giving youth, Music! I need to link this when writing my double page spread.
weekly review
Textual analysis of double page spreads
weekly review

Drafts for contents pages

Weekly Review
I did a textual analysis of contents pages and found some key features. They are a big heading, date, columns, page numbers, articles, information split into sections such as ‘news’, ‘reviews’ and ‘features’, blocks of colour, bold writing, tag line, Headline and advert. I will take these into consideration when designing my contents page.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Textual analysis of contents pages

weekly review
I feel that alterations will still need to be made to the front cover especially when the contents page and double page has been created. This will make sure that they all link and are completed.
Drafts for front cover

These pictures show the stages I went through to get to my final design. First of all I decided on a layout then added colour a masthead and text. I think it my have been easier if i had decided on a photo so i could have laid out the text on top. After adding the photo i decided it didnt go with the text so changed it thus ending up with my final front cover photo. I moved around the text and added coverlines when happy with the outcome i changed some of the colours.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Ideas for front cover
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Target Readership: The notespace reader is aged 14+ but the magazine may also be read by younger sisters or friends who look up to their older sisters. They are interested in a varied music genre. It is cheap because it is brought with pocket money that is given to them by their parents.
Form and Style: It is an A4 full colour magazine which contains interviews, articles and interesting/ gripping topics. The cover features girls and boys the same age as the reader, this allows them to relate to the people in the articles. Cover lines such as 'who's with who this week?' appeal to the reader as they enjoy reading gossip and love interests. I feel that the magazine covers all the interests of teenage girls. The quizzes, freebies and poster pages help advertise the magazine make you want to buy it so you can have these things.
Themes and Typical features: The magazine covers all areas that a teen magazine usually does. These include gossip, intervies with celebrities, education, new releases and interesting/gripping articles. The language used will be familiar to the target audience so it will be understood easily.
Potential advertisers: These will involve new releases, beaty products, chance to win something eg. a makeover.
Editorial Team: The editorial will be made up of experienced writers and designers. These will moslty involve young women as they will be able to relate to the reader. Readers of the magazine will also regularly be asked to contribute their ideas.
Basic Idea
Monday, 18 January 2010
Elements of magazine
These are all the main elements of a magazine:
selling line - Exclusive
dateline - 25 Jan 2010
main image- photo shoot
masthead- use feedback from questionnaire
main cover line- Voices Vs Instruments - have singers taken over the music industry
cover lines - latest on singers: name a few , unusual facts, music online- do people still by CDs
barcode- get one off Internet
colours- blue, red, black and white
font- Masthead
Main coverline
They all have to be different sizes. The masthead has to be the biggest and placed at the top of the page. The main coverline has to cover the full width of the magazine and link to the photo. The coverlines have to be the smallest but still easy to read.
weekly review
Also I have planned and carried out a photo shoot and I have uploaded the photos but i have to manipulate them for use.
Photo Planning
The shots most likely to be used on a magazine are :
- Wide Shots (WS) show the entire person or area. They’re great for establishing the scene and allow for good action of the characters. Sometimes this is known as the long shot.
- Medium Shots (MS) frame the subject from the waste up. This is the most common shot and allows for hand gestures and motion.
- Medium Close Ups (MCU) shots show the subject in more detail and are often framed from just below the shoulders to the top of the head.
Most music magazines feature the singers or band members and they hardly ever show instruments.
I am going to take a range of photos and choose suitable ones. Some with instruments and some without.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Reviewing feedback from questionnaire
I found that music magazines where usually read quite inconstantly and mainly brought because of an interest in a certain band or topic not as a regular thing. The music listened to varied a lot. These were rock, pop, indie, hip hop, Jazz, Blues, skater rock and old rock. This showed me that there was no fixed genre that would please everyone. When asked 'Would you like a music magazine to contain features on other topics such as fashion, celebrity gossip etc?' most people agreed that they wouldn't and would rather it was based on music, band members and interviews. Ideas of names were things like sounds, jamming, solo were suggested as good starting points. The price was mainly based around £3 I felt this was a fair price as it wasn't to expensive. There was quite a debate over what colours should be used. One suggestion was that it depended on the type of music, dark colours for rock music, bright colours such as greens and blues for pop music etc. Many thought it was better to restrict the colours to no more than 3 colours and some of the colours suggested were red, white and black.
The most common reasons for buying seemed to be for entertainment, front cover and interviews. When asked what parts of the magazine they preferred people said articles, interviews and front cover. The things that make a good magazine are something that catches my eye on the cover, some interesting things about all different topics inside, interview, free gifts, Images, interviews, limited text and gripping articles.
I have learnt from this that my magazines audience should be boys and girls around the age 16+. There should be a varied music genre so it can cater for everyone. It should be £3 and should contain interviews, articles and interesting/ gripping topics. I am still unsure as to a main idea but i know have an idea about what my target audience would like.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Questionnaire- feedback appreciated
- Are you male or female?
- How old are you?
- What music magazines do you read?
- How often do you read them?
- What is your favourite type of music?
- Would you like a music magazine to contain features on other topics such as fashion, celebrity gossip etc?
- What do you think would be a suitable name for a magazine?
- What price do you think it should be?
- What colours do you think should be used?
- What are your main reasons for buying music magazines?
- What parts of the magazine do you prefer?
- What do you think makes a good magazine?
Weekly Review
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Third Textual analysis- Q

Second Textual analysis- NME

First textual analysis - Kerrang!

music magazine information

Kerrang! is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom. It was first published on 6 June 1981 edited by Geoff Barton, initially as a one off supplement in the Sounds newspaper. AC/DC appeared on the first Kerrang! magazine.

Q music magazine is published monthly in the United Kingdom. Q's current editor is Paul Rees. It was first published in 1989 by Bauer Consumer Media.
The New Musical Express (better known as the NME) is a popular music magazine in the United Kingdom which has been published weekly since March 1952. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, which

Action plan
Create a front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. This must be original and include a minimum of four photos.
Action plan
- textual analysis of front pages ( at least 3)
- find out background information on a certain music magazine
week 2
- Questionnaire- research on target audience
- photo shoot- take more than i need - link to music and audience
week 3
- draft- change according to feedback
- create final front page
week 4
- textual analysis of contents pages
week 5
- draft- change according to feedback
- create contents page
week 6
- textual analysis of double page spread
week 7
- research stories for double page spread
week 8
- draft- according to feedback
- create double page spread
week 9
- evaluation
- finish everything